Through mists of dust, Jessica’s eyes searched title after title on one of the many bookshelves lining the walls of Ray’s Used Bookstore. Book after book of babysitters and best friends, of animals in need of a friend finding small boys, and magical forests with fairies aflutter passed her eyes with little interest. She sighed heavily, deciding to give up on her search for something to buy with her dollar. Receiving no allowance, the accidental dollar she acquired burned in her pocket. Her eyes flicked past the shelf one last time when she spotted a black, tattered book she hadn’t yet seen. In bright, bold red she read Stephen King; below she read
Nightmares and Dreamscapes and saw, then, the ratty scarecrow in the middle of a forest road. With her dollar, she purchased the book and began what was to be a lifelong love of not only Stephen King but all the horror novels she could get her hands on.
These days Jessica still takes time out of everyday for reading and picks up little gems in second hand shops and used bookstores whenever possible. She is a homeschooling mother of three girls and encourages them to read and make pretend. Jessica also picked up writing along with that first Stephen King novel and continues to share the stories of all the characters living in her dreams on